Lights! Camera! Wait, what happened?!? by Adam Brown

Photography is all about light. Underwater photography is all about finding ways to get all that cheap and easy light submerged without going broke.

I’ve been working to solve that problem for a few years now and have recently had some successes which I’ll be putting to use on my next shoot … as soon as I can find a new pool to shoot in. (It’s always something).

Seven 250Ws underwater strobes may seem like overkill, but I’d love five times as much light available.

Latest underwater shoot on Oct. 12th by Adam Brown

I just finished an ambitious underwater shoot with six models in one short day. some early selects are also being posted on my Instagram: AdamBrownWasTaken, and Facebook. 

Between sets: Showing my amazing ten year old model, Saoirse, the fruits of her labor. She doesn't look unhappy.

Between sets: Showing my amazing ten year old model, Saoirse, the fruits of her labor. She doesn't look unhappy.